Required Elements in TFMData Flight Request Message Payload

To construct a valid request/reply FDBLOCK or SSBLOCK message the commonCompositeFlightId elements are required to provide TFMS with the necessary data elements to match the request to a TFMS flight object. This includes the callsign for the aircraft, departure and arrival airports and the initial depart time (sometimes referred to as the Initial Gate Departure Time (IGTD). The following table describes the commonCompositeFlightId elements.

NOTE: these elements are provided in a FDBLOCK flightCreate, flightModify, flightCancel, and SSBLOCK ssFlightModify, ssFlightCancel, slotCreditSubstitution, and slotCreate. For brevity only the FDBLOCK flightCreate is included in the following table. The notation is the same in all the messages listed.

Schema Element

Required/ Optional


Sample Value

Required The callsign of the flight being created, updated or canceled. ABC100
Required The departure airport for the flight being created, updated, or canceled. ORD
Required The arrival airport for the flight being created, updated, or canceled. PHL
Required The departure time for the flightbeing created, updated or canceled. This is considered the Initial Gate Departure Time (IGTD) within TFMS. 2016-08-24T16:15:47Z